It was a beautiful day in my neighborhood when I went outside to meet my carpool. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, my wife was inside - her stomach large with her advancing pregnancy. Yup ... all was a-okay with my world.

Of course ... there were some aspects of my life that were starting to irritate me. These strange lapses in memory. One moment in time, I was outside, heading to work ... and in the next moment, I was home from work (having just gotten promoted). Maybe it was time for me to see a doctor ...

I expressed some of my concern with a coworker of mine ... and he was bold enough to inform me that Jenna Bradshaw ... the woman with very poor hygiene who invited me out when I was still coming to terms with suddenly appearing on an empty lot in the middle of nowhere ... she was some sort of psychologist ... or psychiatrist. I was too astounded to ask for clarification. I quickly informed my coworker that I had no intention of seeing tat woman again. Someone who lapses with her personal hygiene would never be able to assist someone having lapses in memory. I was quite certain.

So ... putting my latest lapse behind me ... I focused on home matters ... like the modification of the kitchen. It's looking much nicer than what it used to look like. Of course, as luck would have it, I didn't have the opportunity to fully relish this domestic change.

Because elsewhere in the house, Lydia was about to perform another change in our domesticity!

We'd both gone to bed early, both of us exhausted (me from work, her from being pregnant). She'd been uncomfortable all day, and hadn't been able to relax enough to nap. Her painful moans woke me and I immediately sprung forth from between the sheets.

Lydia was in labor!! I'd always prided myself on having a fairly level head (fires being beside the point) ... but I found myself completely out of my depth in this situation. I'd never been around anyone in labor before (or that I could recall). I didn't know what to do to help her ... except to tell her to remain calm and do what Nature had intended all female animals to do since time immemorial.

And with a bit of muss ... and some fuss ... Lydia brought our child into the world. This small bundle of warmth is my daughter - Josephine.

I was so jittery with excitement that I left my wife alone in the bedroom holding our baby girl while I rushed to my computer to update my blog. I had no idea where my head was at.

I quickly realize the error of my ways ... and rushed back into the bedroom to be with wife and daughter. I began by congratulating Lydia on her efforts and her contribution to creating this new life. Then, with caution, as I didn't want to frighten this tiny creature, I approached.

Joseph (with awe): She's ... she's so small!
Lydia (chuckling softly): Newborns typically are.
I stared at Josephine for the longest time ... before Lydia, chuckling, asked ...
Lydia: Do you want to hold her?
Joseph: .... Yes ... Yes, please!

Babies ... smell so ... so GOOD! She was so warm in my arms and so soft. I felt my heart swell inside of my chest as it made room to house more love, love for my daughter.

I will be the first to admit that parenthood is a challenge. There's the frequent feedings and the diaper changes ... and all the other responsibilities and challengs that appear when one becomes a parent.

But neither Lydia nor myself would trade it for anything in the world.

The two women in my life - the most important treasure I could have ever discovered on this plot of land.

Yes. Life is good ... even for a mime.
The picture of Joseph with Josephine over his shoulder . . . *melts*
Another memory lapse? Poor Joe.
Awwww she's beautiful! And only one, your so lucky LOL
Aww, Josephine is adorable. The house is looking great! Yay for promotions, even if there was a gap in his memory. LOL
Aw, Joe looks so happy so happy holding Josephine (love the name). Don't worry about those memory lapses. You didn't have one at the important time, when Lydia was in labour, and that's what matters.
*giggles at Joe in the mime suit*
Josephine is a cutie. she already has him wrapped around her tiny pinky
*coos and goo-goos at Josephine*
What a beauty.
Joe? If Jenna has even the slightest chance of helping you with the flashbacks, take the chance.
Shame the stinky lady is the one who could possibly help him! Aww, Josephine. What a pretty name. :D
Ooo, another flashback! And congrats on the promotion. :-D
Hmm, well, I don't blame him for not wanting to go to The Slob for counseling, but I'm thinking he does need some help.
Yay! Baby on the way! *cheers*
Welcome baby Josephine! (Too bad we can't see her in that light. *pouts*)
Joseph is so darn cute with his daughter there. *melts*
I'm glad to see life is going so well for Joseph. :-D
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